
District Media was the result of a fairly random set of circumstances. I started my career with a small, non-profit called Malaria No More right out of graduate school. Specifically, I worked in their advocacy shop. We were making the case to policymakers that foreign assistance and malaria intervention in particular, was producing extraordinary results. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Senegal in Africa twice. On one of those occasions, my former boss and mentor, Mark Green, put a camera in my hands and said 'Go.'

I'm not quite sure Mark knew what an impact that moment would have on me, but it has led to a life-long love of photography and video. Mark understood that telling the story of malaria-intervention was the most powerful tool we had to make the case for the work. And he was right. 

For entertainment's sake, this was my first video as well as my first experience as being an advocate. Not exactly the highest production value, but I was hooked. 

This was also shortly after the DSLR revolution for film-making. If you're unfamiliar, the DSLR revolution was the ability to put high-quality film-making cameras in the hands of everyday people. It really leveled the playing field in terms of price. Thus, like so many others, I bought a Canon 5D mark ii and went on my way. 

At my next career stop, I started to see that so many non-profits, political organizations and think tanks were producing relatively boring video. Worse, they were paying quite a bit for it. I started to see a need and think about ways that I could help fill it. That was the day, in 2012, that District Media was officially born. 

I also spent somet time working for The American Spectator. It was here that I refined my ability to write. I've been regularly published by The Spectator as well as The New Republic.  Currently, I work for The Mercatus Center as their Senior Web Products Manager. 

For less political, more informal examples of my work, head over to BenjaminBrophy.com.

So what can District Media do for you? The skills I have acquired over the years can help tell the narrative story that you want to tell. The story may be your wedding day or your family history or it may be why your organization matters. 

Whatever the case, I can help tell that story through short documentaries, promotional video, photography or writing. I also have a very established creative network to help create content in other ways such as Graphic Design, motion graphics and marketing. 

I love this work and I love working with a broad spectrum of people. For further inquiries, email me at bbrophy723@gmail.com or call me at (609) 273-6502

Benjamin Brophy